Monday, November 25, 2013

Term 4 Writing

I am learning to use different sentence starters
to make my writing more interesting.

I was excited the pool opened and had been waiting
a long time so that was my first sentence. I used an
exclamation mark to show I was excited.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


At Discovery I like to go the the Let's Pretend room.
I get to use my Active Thinking skills and my imagination
and pretend all my favourite things. I play in there with my Bat Girls.

Friday, September 20, 2013


I have been learning gymnastics in PE.

I learnt to about the shapes - pike, stretch, straddle and tuck.
In the picture I am stretching as far as I can and rolling.
It's called a Pencil Roll.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I have been learning about measurement.

I am measuring to see which is the longer out of
my foot and the side of my browsing box.
My foot was longer.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Term 3 Writing

I am learning to use describing words in my writing to make it
more interesting for the reader. I used metacognition to imagine
what my giraffe would look like and then described the
picture in my head.

My giraffe has long legs and a bushy tail.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Tree of Life - Art Attack Term 2

I have been learning painting skills.

I learnt to use the paint brush to show movement.
I also learnt how to hold the brush and follow instructions.
I am able to say what I like about my artwork and
the artwork of others.


I have been learning about statistics.

We found out that most people in Room 16 have
the colour blue as their favourite colour.
The least favourite was white.
Some people like purple.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I have been learning about different types of conflict and how to deal with it.

Tania, you show some good understanding of conflict with your playdough scuplture.
I was really impressed with your part in the class role plays on conflict
and your question and answer session at the end.
Well done!

Mrs Coom.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Self Portrait - Pop Art Style

I have been learning about Pop Art. I used these ideas when
I drew my self portrait. I used bold colours and have rosy cheeks.
I also learnt where to put my mouth, nose and eyes. I have eyelashes and hair too.

Good placement of your nose, eyes and mouth Tania. You also have very colourful ear too.
Mrs Coom.

Term 1 Writing

I am learning to write some words I know.

I knew the words - the, I, in, my and I wrote
the sounds I could hear in the word hat.